Immunoglobulin Iga Ab

Cardiolipin Ab IgA

DE7290 96
EUR 107

Iga Antibody Laboratories manufactures the immunoglobulin iga ab reagents distributed by Genprice. The Immunoglobulin Iga Ab reagent is RUO (Research Use Only) to test human serum or cell culture lab samples. To purchase these products, for the MSDS, Data Sheet, protocol, storage conditions/temperature or for the concentration, please contact iga antibody. Other Immunoglobulin products are available in stock. Specificity: Immunoglobulin Category: Iga Group: Ab

Human Legionella antibody IgA(LP Ab-IgA)ELISA Kit

48 Tests Ask for price

Human Legionella antibody IgA(LP Ab-IgA)ELISA Kit

EUR 559.2

Human Legionella antibody IgA(LP Ab-IgA)ELISA Kit

96 Tests
EUR 388

Human Legionella antibody IgA,LP Ab-IgA ELISA KIT

96 wells
EUR 366.4
Description: Human

Human Brucella Antibody IgA (Brucella-Ab-IgA) ELISA Kit

EUR 799

Human heparin Antibody IgA,Hep Ab IgA ELISA KIT

96 wells
EUR 458

Human rhinovirus Antibody IgA,RV Ab IgA ELISA KIT

96 wells
EUR 458

Ab information

Anti-Monkey Immunoglobulin Antibody

14801-100 100ug
EUR 230

Anti-Monkey Immunoglobulin Antibody

14801-1000 1mg
EUR 903

Anti-Monkey Immunoglobulin Antibody

14801-500 500ug
EUR 460

Anti-Monkey Immunoglobulin Antibody

14804 100ug
EUR 230

Anti-Monkey Immunoglobulin Antibody

14804-100 100ug
EUR 230

Anti-Monkey Immunoglobulin Antibody

14804-1000 1mg
EUR 903

Anti-Monkey Immunoglobulin Antibody

14804-500 500ug
EUR 460

Anti-Canine Immunoglobulin Antibody

14001 100ug
EUR 230

Anti-Canine Immunoglobulin Antibody

14001-100 100ug
EUR 230

Anti-Canine Immunoglobulin Antibody

14001-1000 1mg
EUR 903

Anti-Canine Immunoglobulin Antibody

14001-500 500ug
EUR 460

Anti-Canine Immunoglobulin Antibody

14002 100ug
EUR 230

Anti-Canine Immunoglobulin Antibody

14002-100 100ug
EUR 230

Anti-Canine Immunoglobulin Antibody

14002-1000 1mg
EUR 903

Anti-Canine Immunoglobulin Antibody

14002-500 500ug
EUR 460

Anti-Canine Immunoglobulin Antibody

14003-100 100ug
EUR 230

Anti-Canine Immunoglobulin Antibody

14003-1000 1mg
EUR 903