Igm On A Blood Test

HBsAg Test Strip (Test in Whole Blood)

HBsAg-213 3.0mm (single pouch) 100pouches/box
EUR 0.1

Cytomegalovirus Laboratories manufactures the igm on a blood test reagents distributed by Genprice. The Igm On A Blood Test reagent is RUO (Research Use Only) to test human serum or cell culture lab samples. To purchase these products, for the MSDS, Data Sheet, protocol, storage conditions/temperature or for the concentration, please contact igm antibody. Other Igm products are available in stock. Specificity: Igm Category: On Group: A Blood

Urine fecal occult blood test kit colorimetric method

EUR 90

True Blue

EUR 595

True Blue

EUR 635

True Blue

EUR 2705

True Blue

10mg Ask for price
Description: True Blue

True Blue

1g Ask for price
Description: True Blue

True Blue

1mg Ask for price
Description: True Blue

A Blood information

anti-B human blood antigen IgM

MBS485048-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 300

anti-B human blood antigen IgM

MBS485048-1mg 1mg
EUR 1300

anti-B human blood antigen IgM

MBS485048-5x1mg 5x1mg
EUR 5795

anti-M human blood antigen IgM

MBS485059-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 300

anti-M human blood antigen IgM

MBS485059-1mg 1mg
EUR 1300

anti-M human blood antigen IgM

MBS485059-5x1mg 5x1mg
EUR 5795

anti-AB human blood antigen IgM

135-A 1 MG
EUR 850

anti-AB human blood antigen IgM

135-A-01mg 0,1 mg
EUR 321
Description: anti-AB human blood antigen IgM

anti-AB human blood antigen IgM

135-A-1000ug 1000 ug
EUR 1539
Description: anti-AB human blood antigen IgM

anti-AB human blood antigen IgM

135-A-100ugvial 100 ug/vial
EUR 150
Description: anti-AB human blood antigen IgM

anti-AB human blood antigen IgM

MBS485075-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 300

anti-AB human blood antigen IgM

MBS485075-1mg 1mg
EUR 1300

anti-AB human blood antigen IgM

MBS485075-5x1mg 5x1mg
EUR 5795

Red Blood Cells, Sheep IgM Fraction

GWB-A954C2 5 mg Ask for price

Red Blood Cells, Mouse, IgM Fraction

GWB-D6F9A8 5 mg Ask for price

Red Blood Cells, Human IgM Fraction

GWB-5CEF9E 5 mg Ask for price

Red Blood Cells, Chicken IgM Fraction

GWB-94168D 5 mg Ask for price